Walking You Through The Confusing World Of Benefits

by | Nov 3, 2017 | Business Insurance, Employee Benefits, FBinsure, Rich Volkmann

As an employer, providing Benefits to your employees can be quite an undertaking.  Understanding the available coverages can be   and the wildly confusing terminology associated with getting the right coverage can easily leave you scratching your head.  You can try the “do it yourself” method and perhaps you’ll have the right coverage, however, if you don’t have a trusted advisor like FBinsure to explain the things you need to know, you may find out too late that it wasn’t quite right.  One such topic is understanding the difference between a Fully Insured Policy, a Self Insured Policy and a Level Funded Policy.  Not knowing could cost you.  Fortunately we’re here to help you!   Below is a white paper that will help you understand the differences and make smart decisions about which one is best for you!  If you have additional questions about any of these policy types or other Benefits, call Rich Volkmann at FBinsure or email him rich@fbinsure.com today.One confusing topic  is the difference between 




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