Do You Have A Data Breach Playbook?

by | Aug 25, 2016 | Business Insurance, business plan, Cyber Security

When any business regardless of size or industry discovers their data may have been compromised they usually, and without fail, have a knee jerk reaction fueled by panic. They take their eye off the ball and focus most of their energies on dealing with the compromise forgetting that they still have a business to run.

There are some basic steps and actions that any business can take should they become aware of a possible compromise of their data:

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Data compromises are inevitable with any business. Being prepared ahead of time on how a business will respond if they discover they have had a compromise of data is critical to minimizing the financial and reputation damaging costs a business will incur.  If you do not have a breach incident response plan and team, put one and them in place as soon as possible. Remember your employees are the weakest link in your data security. If they are not properly and continuously trained in cyber security awareness your exposure to a data compromise is increased exponentially regardless of how much money has been invested in the latest security software.  If you would like to speak to me about your data security and steps that you can take, call FBinsure or email me at

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