If you have ever driven by or been in an auto accident most likely you’ve also seen an ambulance on the scene carting the injured parties off to the hospital.  As you take that ride in the steel stallion, did you ever think about who is responsible for your medical bills?  Who will pay for them if you are involved in a serious auto accident? Many of us assume that our health insurer will be the only call however, did you know that your auto insurance will help cover your medical bills? Yes it is true!

In Massachusetts there is a mandatory coverage when you buy your auto insurance.  It’s known to those of us in the business as Part #2 PIP or Personal Injury Protection.  To you however, it’s simply your safety net.  PIP coverage offers $8,000 of coverage to you and anyone in your vehicle at the time of an accident.   It cover the first $2,000 of any medical bills that are incurred as a result of an accident and includes things that financially stress you out like the ambulance ride, emergency room visit and the visit to your doctor the next day, Co-Pays and deductibles too.

Now, if your costs rise above the $2,000 threshold, and most likely they will, your healthcare provider and auto insurance claims adjuster will determine how future bills are paid.  If that wasn’t enough to make you do the happy dance, your PIP will also cover medical bills not covered by your own health insurance.  For example, if your teeth are knocked out in the accident and your own insurance does not cover the necessary oral surgery, good news!  You are covered under your PIP coverage.

PIP is quite a handy little secret weapon that you didn’t even know you had or could take advantage of.  Some other uses for your PIP are:

  • Coverage for lost wages if you are seriously injured in a car accident and cannot go to work
  • Replacement Services
    • You might need to purchase in the event that you are disabled. if you have to hire someone to shovel your walkway/driveway, mow your lawn or do your grocery shopping, it would be covered under PIP.
    • If you or your passenger in the accident is a college student who cannot attend lectures due to injury, you can hire someone to sit in the class to take notes or record the lecture.
  • Medical Payments coverage. This additional PIP coverage can be purchased with your policy.  It can be very important as it will help with any additional medical bills that your health care may not cover such as Med-Evacs   and if need be, funeral expenses.

Needless to say, Personal Injury Protection; PIP is a nice little coverage to have.  Take some time to review your auto policy with your agent to make sure that you have the appropriate coverage.  If you would like to have us review your policy call any of our nine convenient FBinsure locations.


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