We apologize if you are looking for our team today, but as a show of appreciation for our employees, the FBinsure offices are shutdown.
Our team has risen to each new challenge the last four months have presented. From transitioning their entire work environments overnight to adapting to every new piece of technology thrown their way, we are confident we have a more capable team than ever. Even with our physical doors closed we have continued to provide a high caliber of service to our clients through video conference, email and over the phone, as well as coordinating our new Contactless Registry Runner Service (please call ahead of time).
All this to say: we are showing our appreciation for all they do with a extra day off to enjoy with their family & friends. Employee commitment is an incredibly important core value in our culture and hard work resulted in rewards. In years past we would spend this day together as a group in revelry with food, music and fun, however with the pandemic a different kind of celebration was needed this year.