Easing MA Registry Woes During COVID-19

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Compliance Updates, Tips & FAQ

No one enjoys going to the RMV on a good day and the “Stay at Home” mandate only adds to the difficulty of interacting with the Registry. Here’s what you need to know to plan your visit:

Appointments only

The RMV is by appointment only and are operating under a strict “no walk-in” policy. These appointments can be booked online and there is no same day availability. We have had reports of not seeing any time slots available. Time slots are limited and reportedly fill up quickly. Don’t panic, the misconception that RMV is not booked until June is not correct at this time, the time slots for the next 3 day window become available at midnight. If you do not see time slots available please check back at a different time.

You can book and appointment online here https://atlas-myrmv.massdot.state.ma.us/myrmv/_/#0 and click on “Make or Cancel a Reservation.”

The Registry strongly advises wearing a face mask for your protection and the protection of the RMV employees.

Essential Services

The Registry is only able to process transactions deemed “essential” as stated in Governor Baker’s executive order. Examples of these are: obtaining a commercial driver’s license or commercial learner’s permit to assist with the supply chain during the State of Emergency declaration, registering a newly purchased vehicle as your primary mode of transportation for employment or obtaining medication and other necessary treatments, or transferring your license or registration from another state for residency requirements.

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Examples of “non-essential” transactions include registering a motorcycle as a secondary mode of transportation, obtaining a REAL ID unless part of a new Mass ID issuance or out of state transfer of a driver’s license/ID, or registering a boat or utility trailer or camper for recreation purposes.

If you arrive for your appointment and it is unclear whether or not your transaction qualifies as an “essential service” the RMV management reserves the right to refuse to process the transaction.

The Registry also offers some services online. If you would like to see if your transaction can be completed online through the myRMV Online Service Center please reach out to your FBinsure team at (800) 734-6604 or at info@fbinsure.com we’re happy to advise. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer our normal in-house registry or runner services at this time.

For more information on services such as licenses, IDs, permits, road tests, inspection stickers, plate orders, hearings, and other transactions please visit: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/rmv-covid-19-information#rmv-service-centers-and-aaa-locations-

Operating Locations

All AAA locations are closed and the Registry has limited service centers open until further notice. These are:

  •                 Boston/Haymarket*
  •                 Brockton
  •                 Fall River
  •                 Lawrence
  •                 Pittsfield
  •                 Plymouth
  •                 Springfield
  •                 Worcester
  •                 Milford – Commercial Driver’s License/Permit ONLY
  •                 Wilmington – Commercial Driver’s License/Permit ONLY

If you have additional questions or concerns, on the Registry or other questions on COVID-19 and your insurance, please reach out to our team at (800) 734-6604 or info@fbinsure.com. While our offices are not open to the public, our team continues to be completely accessible to our clients while operating remotely.


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