Ensuring a Happily Ever After

by | Dec 15, 2016 | FBinsure, Insurance, Wedding Insurance

It finally happened!  You’ve found “THE ONE”!  You are head over heels in love.  The ring is in place, the YES has been delivered and amidst all the planning and preparation you simply cannot wait to say your “I do’s”.  Every waking moment is filled with visions of the dress reveal, and the party and the food and the church and the limo and of course the decadent cake.  All the wonderfully poignant details that will make your day perfect for you and your soon-to-be spouse.  Everything is coming together and you have covered every detail….but have you thought about insurance?

Weddings today are much more expensive than they ever have been.  Averaging a price of $28,000 or more, most of us don’t just write a check like that with ease. To many, this event and it’s cost fall into the category of “Priceless” in order to justify paying so much money for ONE day, ONE dress, ONE meal.

No one ever thinks anything will go wrong and for the most part many weddings go off without a hitch but what IF your bridal shop closes shop due to a blizzard?  What if your limo never shows up?  What if something uncontrollable like bad weather upends and destroys your outside venue, tents and tables?  How would you recoup your costs if one of these things were to happen to you?

  1. The seamstress lost the bridal gown. (Special Attire)
  2. The bridal store burned down. (Special Attire)
  3. The limo went out of business. (Loss of Deposits)
  4. The minister failed to show. (Cancellation/Postponement)
  5. The florist failed to show. (Loss of Deposits)
  6. The caterers failed to show. (Cancellation/Postponement)
  7. The photographer disappeared after the wedding day. (Photographs/Video)
  8. The DJ went out of business. (Loss of Deposits)
  9. The event site went bankrupt. (Cancellation/Postponement)
  10. The wedding coordinator went out of business. (Loss of Deposits)

Events like these go from nightmare status to a recoverable event because they are covered by a wedding insurance policy.  Although unfortunate, you will not be left out of pocket for the hefty deposit you put down. The fact is that you wouldn’t buy a car that costs $28,000 without insuring it so why would you take such a great risk with one of the most important days of your life?  Wedding insurance is very reasonably priced and it give you peace of mind so that you can enjoy your day and the beginning of your happily ever after!

If you are planning your big day and want to protect your investment, call FBinsure and let us help you make the plunge that you take be the one into love’s bliss, not the abyss.  At FBinsure we the in’s and out’s of wedding insurance too.  We can help ensure that your big day ends well no matter what happens.  Call us or come by any of our nine convenient locations in Mass.


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